计算物理 ›› 1988, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2): 235-240.

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物理溅射的Monte Carlo模拟

崔福斋1, 李文治1, 李恒德1, 郑里平2   

  1. 1. 清华大学工程物理系;
    2. 中国科学院上海原子核研究所
  • 收稿日期:1986-11-03 修回日期:1988-01-30 出版日期:1988-06-25 发布日期:1988-06-25


Cui Fu-zhai1, Li Wen-zhi1, Li Heng-de1, Zheng Li-ping2   

  1. 1. Dept. of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing;
    2. Institute of Nuclear Research, Academia Sinica, Shanghai
  • Received:1986-11-03 Revised:1988-01-30 Online:1988-06-25 Published:1988-06-25

摘要: 模拟载能离子在固体传输及原子碰撞级联过程的Monte Carlo程序TCIS,已用于考察物理溅射问题。溅射过程中,低能原子碰撞是很重要的。因此,本文详细研究了二体碰撞计算中时间积分τ的数值大小及其对溅射计算的影响。对TCIS模拟溅射物理模型、输入参数作了介绍,并给出某些模拟研究结果。模拟程序可提供溅射的原子水平的信息,这对于开展有关机理的研究是很有用的。

Abstract: The Monte Carlo program TCIS simulating the transport of energetic ions and atomic collision cascades in solids has been used to investigate some problems on physical sputtering. Atomic collisions at the region of low energies contribute to the most of the sputtering yield. At low energies, the time integral τ of the atomic collision calculation will not be a negligible quantity. In this paper, the influence of τ on sputtering yield is studied. The main features of the Monte Carlo code are introduced. Some results of computation concerning sputtering are given. The information about physical sputtering at atomistic level can be obtained by this code,which are useful in the research of sputtering mechanism.