计算物理 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 749-756.DOI: 10.19596/j.cnki.1001-246x.8321
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
关富荣(1994-), 男, 广东台山, 硕士研究生, 主要研究螺旋波动力学行为, E-mail: gxnuguanfurong@163.com
Furong GUAN(), Chengqian LI, Minyi DENG(
Minyi DENG
关富荣, 李成乾, 邓敏艺. 激发介质相对不应态对螺旋波动力学行为的影响[J]. 计算物理, 2021, 38(6): 749-756.
Furong GUAN, Chengqian LI, Minyi DENG. Spiral Wave Dynamics of Excited Medium: Effect of Relative Refractory[J]. Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 38(6): 749-756.
图1 相对不应态对螺旋波周期的影响(a)~(c)分别是截断行波后1000时步、2000时步、3000时步的螺旋波斑图(Ra=12, Rr=3, Thq=30); (d)T随Thq的变化(Tha=76)
Fig.1 Effect of relative refractory states on the period of spiral wave (a)-(c) are the spiral wave patterns at 1000, 2000, and 3000 time steps after truncating the traveling wave (Ra=12, Rr=3, Thq=30); (d) Change of period T with time(Tha=76)
图2 不同m, n下T随Thq的变化(Tha=76) (a)m=100, n=10; (b)m=300, n=15; (c)m=300, n=25; (d)m=400, n=25
Fig.2 Spiral wave period T varies with Thq under different m and n (Tha=76) (a)m=100, n=10; (b)m=300, n=15; (c)m=300, n=25; (d)m=400, n=25
图3 相对不应态对螺旋波波头轨迹的影响(Ra=25 - Rr, Thq=30, Tha=76) (a)Rr=0; (b)Rr=4; (c)Rr=9; (d)Rr=13; (e)Rr=14; (f)Rr=16; (g)Rr=20; (h)Rr=21
Fig.3 Effect of the relative refractory state on the trajectory of the spiral wave tip (Ra=25 - Rr, Thq=30, Tha=76) (a) Rr=0; (b)Rr=4; (c)Rr=9; (d)Rr=13; (e)Rr=14; (f)Rr=16; (g)Rr=20; (h)Rr=21
图4 不同(Rr, Ra)下的螺旋波演化结果(Thq=30,Tha=76) (□代表稳定螺旋波; ○代表螺旋波作周期漫游; ▲代表螺旋波作准周期漫游螺旋波; ▼代表螺旋波作非周期漫游; ☆代表螺旋波消失; ◇代表螺旋波破碎。)
Fig.4 Evolution behavior of spiral waves under different (Rr, Ra) (Thq=30, Tha=76) (□, ○, ▲, ▼, ☆, ◇ represent stable spirals, periodic meandering spirals, quasiperiodic meandering spirals, aperiodic meandering spirals, disappearance and breakup of spiral waves, respectively.)
图5 相对不应态导致的螺旋波消失(Ra=10,Rr=15,Thq=30,Tha=76),(a)~(d)分别为t=10 000、11 909、11 912、11 970时的元胞状态灰度图,元胞状态值越大,对应的点就越明亮;(e)为(20, 20)处元胞的状态随时间的变化
Fig.5 Disappearance of spiral wave caused by relative refractory state (Ra=10, Rr=15, Thq=30, Tha=76) (a)-(d) are grayscale images of cell state at t=10 000, 11 909, 11 912, and 11 970. The larger the cellular state value is, the brighter the corresponding point will be; (e)Change of cellular state with time at (20, 20)
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