计算物理 ›› 2021, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 257-268.DOI: 10.19596/j.cnki.1001-246x.8248
薛创, 副研究员, 从事辐射流体力学及流体不稳定性数值模拟研究, E-mail: xue_chuang@iapcm.ac.cn
Chuang XUE(), Xingdong LI, Wenjun SUN, Wenhua YE, Xianjue PENG
薛创, 李馨东, 孙文俊, 叶文华, 彭先觉. 多介质五方程简化模型及界面捕捉的人工压缩算法[J]. 计算物理, 2021, 38(3): 257-268.
Chuang XUE, Xingdong LI, Wenjun SUN, Wenhua YE, Xianjue PENG. A Multi-material Five-equation-reduced Model and Artificial Compression Method for Interface Capture[J]. Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 2021, 38(3): 257-268.
图1 HLLC和HLLCM通量采用的间断状态和激波结构(a) HLLC间断状态; (b) HLLCM间断状态
Fig.1 Discontinuity states and wave structures of HLLC and HLLCM flux (a) discontinuity states for HLLC; (b) discontinuity states for HLLCM
图3 网格和计算方法对接触间断计算的影响(a) 两介质静态接触间断(MUSCL); (b) 两介质运动接触间断(MUSCL); (c) 两介质运动接触间断(PPM); (d) 两介质运动接触间断(WENO)
Fig.3 Influence of mesh number and numerical method on contact discontinuity calculation (a) static contact discontinuity calculated by MUSCL; (b) moving contact discontinuity calculated by MUSCL; (c) moving contact discontinuity calculated by PPM; (d) moving contact discontinuity calculated by WENO
图4 两个爆炸波相互作用后的密度和体积分数分布(a) 不同计算方法的结果; (b) 不同物理模型的结果
Fig.4 Profiles of density and volume fractions after two blast waves interaction (a) results of different schemes; (b) results of different models
图5 采用两种数值通量计算的密度分布(a) 采用HLLC-HLLCM通量的密度等值线; (b) 采用HLLC通量的密度等值线;(c) 采用HLLC-HLLCM通量的X方向密度分布; (d) 采用HLLC通量的X方向密度分布
Fig.5 Profile of density calculated by different numerical flux (a) density isolines calculated by HLLC-HLLCM flux; (b) density isolines calculated by HLLC flux; (c) profiles of density calculated by HLLC-HLLCM flux; (d) profiles of density calculated by HLLC flux
图6 采用MUSCL+ACM+Hybrid算法的柱球SOD问题的密度分布(a) 柱SOD问题的二维密度分布; (b) 球SOD问题的二维密度分布; (c) 柱SOD问题的一维密度分布; (d) 球SOD问题的一维密度分布
Fig.6 Profiles of density for cylindrical and spherical SOD problems with MUSCL+ACM+Hybrid scheme (a) 2D density contours for cylindrical SOD problem; (b) 2D density contours for spherical SOD problem; (c) 1D density profile for cylindrical SOD problem; (d) 1D density profile for spherical SOD problem
图7 采用MUSCL+HLL格式计算柱球SOD问题的密度分布(a) 柱SOD问题的二维密度分布; (b) 球SOD问题的二维密度分布; (c) 柱SOD问题的一维密度分布; (d) 球SOD问题的一维密度分布
Fig.7 Profiles of density for cylindrical and spherical SOD problems with MUSCL+HLL scheme (a) 2D density contours for cylindrical SOD problem; (b) 2D density contours for spherical SOD problem; (c) 1D density profile for cylindrical SOD problem; (d) 1D density profile for spherical SOD problem
图8 二维黎曼问题的密度分布和物质界面(a) 未采用ACM的密度等值线; (b) 采用ACM的密度等值线; (c) 未采用ACM的物质界面; (d) 采用ACM的物质界面
Fig.8 Density profile and material interfaces of 2D Riemann problems (a) density isolines without ACM; (b) density isolines with ACM; (c) four material interfaces without ACM; (d) four material interfaces with ACM
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